Who we are
We don't fit the typical homeschooling and homesteading stereotype. We trust science, value accurate history, support church-state separation, and affirm a woman's right to choose. While we prioritize self-sufficiency, we don't align with the "trad wife" movement, which places all household responsibilities on women. We respect the choice of women who stay home when they are enthusiastically supported by their partners. However, we don't encourage unrealistic expectations for mothers without this option.
Our approach involves managing a dual-income household where both partners contribute equally. My husband cares for our son while I work as a Registered Dietitian. Between my income and his disability retirement benefits, we pay our bills and fund our projects. We handle finances responsibly, avoid unnecessary debts, and still drive our paid-off vehicle to avoid new car payments.
I don't support spending more than I can afford on things I don't really need. We are gradually building our little homestead, taking it step-by-step at a pace we can handle. At Storybrooke, transparency is key as we strive to make everyday life in our local community a little more magical.